Monday, April 30, 2012

Busy Bees

Wildflowers! I love wildflowers and so do my girls. Today we were bumblebees buzzing around in search of pretty flowers in the forest. It is amazing how many different kinds of wildflowers there are and it is so much fun to discover them with my little busy bees. On our adventure we found two beehives, checked out the honey and watched bees at work. Nature is so much fun!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Muses

Alexandra & Emma are my precious jewels, they are the most beautiful garlands that I will ever have and I love them dearly. My daughters are my muses and they inspire me to grow, create and become a better human being day by day. The most wonderful gift that I have received from them is to be in the moment and that there is someone more important and greater than myself that I would give my life to in an instant. I relive my childhood with them. Lying under the stars, running in green fields, smelling fresh flowers, dancing and singing in full joy, discovering the astonishing world around us, dreaming and becoming, creating works of art and cupcakes, snuggling and swimming: those are my favorite things with them.

Mother's Love

I've been wanting to start this blog for a while and I was just not sure on where to begin. Then my mom came yesterday to visit and it dawned on me that I should start from the beginning, my mom. I am sure that my mom has inspired me in the choices that I make for my children. She delivered me naturally, nursed me and stayed home to take care of me when I was little. For that I am forever thankful and I honor her.

So I do the same with my children. I birthed my daughters naturally, one in the hospital and one at home, glad to have peacefully and lovingly welcomed them into the world. Along with their dad, my life partner, who channeled strength and support during such a precious moment in our lives. I nursed my first born for 27 months until I was pregnant with my second baby and now I nurse her too,  feeling honored that I can nourish them with what they need. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom and I cherish every moment with my girls, being in the moment with them and creating a beautiful future together.