Home Birth - Born in Water
I contacted my Bradley instructor and asked her if she would recommend a midwife for our home birth. She gave me the name of a CNM, I contacted her and she said that we lived too far away for her to attend my birth. However, she gave me a list of lay midwives in the area. I contacted Rowan, a DEM. I sent her an e-mail and made an appointment to meet her. I had this surge of energy just thinking about it and knowing that I made the right decision and that I chose the right midwife. I was ecstatic on what was to come.
At that point, I was five months pregnant. When I went to meet Rowan, she had this beautiful calming presence and from then on I looked forward on seeing her for my prenatal checkups. Months and weeks passed, the closer I got to my due date, the more significant the weeks and days seemed, knowing that the baby would arrive soon, at her own time, when she was ready. My first born daughter was born on her due date, so we assumed that my second child would probably do the same. She proved us wrong, something children are very good at and she started to do it an early age. Her due date came and went, then a week, and more days. I was uncomfortable and huge, I was so ready to have her out, in my arms, soon I thought, soon.
When I was 41 weeks and a few days, I woke up at 5 a.m. with contractions, I timed them, they were about 5 minutes apart and followed a pattern. I sat up in the living room thinking that I would not call my midwife yet because I knew that it would take some time and she needed her sleep. My husband and daughter woke up around 7 a.m. and I continued to have contractions throughout the morning. Juan Carlos inflated the birthing tub and my two year old daughter Emma was so excited to see it that she wanted to swim in it right away. We told her that she could once we filled it up with water and when her baby sister was ready to arrive.
As the day passed, the contractions were stronger and painful, so I called Rowan around 2 p.m. and told her what was going on, she said that she would come over as soon as she could. Then all of the sudden the contractions started getting further apart, weaker, and it seemed like I was no longer in labor, which I truly thought I was, with my prior experience with Emma. I called Rowan again to let her know about the decrease in strength and continuity of the contractions. I moved around as much as I could, Emma, Juan Carlos and I went for a walk around our property, I would bounce on my yoga ball, stretch on the floor on my hands and knees, rock back and forth, anything to get the labor to progress. Emma loved the yoga ball and as I would bounce up and down on it, I held hands with her and we would sing: "shake the baby out, shake the baby out" and she thought that it was so much fun.
Rowan arrived around 5 p.m. as I was making dinner because I had not eaten much during the day. She listened to the baby's heart rate, checked her position, and said that it seemed like the baby was lying to the side and that maybe she was having trouble getting engaged. She performed the rebozo on me to get the baby positioned better and then it seemed like the baby flipped to the back. We sat and talked for a while, I moved around the house, went outside for a walk, and I started feeling discouraged that the baby was not going to be born that day.
Later on in the evening, her assistant Steph arrived. As soon as she walked in the door I recognized her as being my neighbor from about 10 years ago at a mountain property that we lived at, and both of us having a wonderful mutual friend. I was happy to see her, she had an amazing positive energy. Emma came running in to meet her and she was ecstatic at all the commotion in the house. Steph recognized Juan Carlos right away and we chatted about the past, our friend and how nice it was to reconnect. Steph performed the rebozo on me. I was a bit concerned because Emma wanted to jump on my back as I was on my hands and knees for the procedure. I told Juan Carlos to hold her back for safety. Steph was really good at talking to her and she said to her: "let's say shake the baby out! Shake the baby out!" Emma was joyous at the opportunity and was singing "shake the baby out! Shake the baby out" we laughed so much and I thought how strange that Steph would sing the same words that we were singing earlier.
Rowan checked the baby's heart rate and position and said that it seemed like the baby moved to the side again. They both recommended that I get some rest that night and Rowan advised me to go to the chiropractor to get an adjustment the next morning and that it would help in getting the baby positioned correctly to come out. I was a bit reluctant to go. However, once there in the morning, Eric was wonderful, he was very warm and compassionate, he did the chiropractic adjustment and I could really feel a difference in my lower back and hips, they were aligned and I felt so comfortable afterwards. Rowan listened to the baby's heart rate and we were hoping the baby would come soon that weekend.
My contractions stopped completely, I was a bit concerned, but I figured that the baby would come when she was ready. Four days later, I was 42 weeks pregnant and I woke up feeling that I would have the baby that day. Around noon I started having continuous contractions 5 minutes apart, but I did not take them seriously, I thought to myself: "oh, here I go again!" and just went about my daily chores. At 3 p.m the contractions were 3-5 minutes apart and painful. I got in the shower to relax, and the pain started to be overwhelming, I asked Juan Carlos to please call Rowan. He told her what was going on and she said that she would be there as soon as she got done seeing her clients and that Steph would be on her way. Steph drove so fast to our home that she told us that she got yelled by our neighbor for speeding. It was a relief to see her. She found me sitting on the toilet, crying in pain, as I tried to get through the contractions. She was so kind and tended to me with so much compassion and love. Juan Carlos rushed to get the birthing tub ready, it seemed that everything was going so fast and that I already was in transition.
Rowan arrived and she recommended that I get into the tub right away. As soon as I got in it made a world of difference. Emma got in the water too and both her and Rowan poured water down my back to relieve the pain and help me relax as I held on to Juan Carlos. I wanted Juan Carlos by my side the whole time and I joked around saying that he was my hostage. As I held on to him, he channeled much strength and support. I was on my knees for a while, but it felt better to sit, so I sat in the water and I thought the baby would come out when she was ready to and I was in so much pain that I did not want to move at all and I did not want anyone to touch me. Everyone encouraged me to move, but I just couldn't. Rowan told me to start pushing the baby out, but I felt like it wasn't time yet. Then Rowan and Steph walked away to the kitchen, and Juan Carlos continued to lean toward the birthing tub holding my arms from the back and supporting me through the contractions. Just having that moment helped me focus and start pushing the baby out, I couldn't believe it was already happening, it seemed so much sooner and easier compared to my first birth, even though the pain was excruciating.
As I started pushing, I said: "I think she is coming" as Rowan and Steph rushed to my side. They encouraged me to continue pushing, both like angels in waiting, ready to welcome a new baby into the world. I felt the ring of fire and knew that this was it, I said: "it burns, it burns, help me get the baby out!" I kept on pushing and it seemed like I could just not get the baby out. Rowan leaned to help me, her hands diving into the water to pull out this new creation. She joyously and rapidly placed her on my chest. Oh what a relief, so much joy, ecstasy and love. Juan Carlos beamed with joy, Emma was not sure what just happened as she was placed in the water to meet her baby sister and Rowan and Steph ran around tending to us.
Alexandra Lucia was born
November 16, 2011 at 7 p.m.
11.2 lbs and 23 in.
The umbilical cord seemed rather short and I could not bring the baby up much. Rowan waited for it to stop pulsating, she clamped it and Juan Carlos cut the umbilical cord. Alexandra nursed right away, Emma was still in the water with us and Juan Carlos leaned in as the four of us held hands as a family for the first time. It was wonderful, such a blessing that truly cannot be described in words, it was just pure love.

Juan Carlos held Alexandra as I stood up to pass the placenta. It was amazing how quickly it just flowed right out. Rowan and Steph weighed Alexandra and performed their newborn assessment. Rowan lovingly assisted me in the shower as Juan Carlos lovingly cared for Alexandra. Emma was happy to help deflate the birthing tub as everyone cleaned up the area. Alexandra and I cuddled in bed. It was so good to be home, in our peaceful nest, joyous to be together.
To see more pictures of our homebirth and our awesome midwife, click here: Midwives
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